Saturday, July 28, 2007


Fiesta Combo
Fiesta Brown
Fiesta light brown

Marimekko corporation is one of the leading Finnish textile and clothing design companies. Established in 1951 this company has high-quality clothing and interior textiles. I especially liked the designer fabrics.

The fabric pattern I selected is called Fiesta by designer Elina Keltto. I selected this pattern because of the colors and pattern could be used to inspire a jewelry design. There are three color patterns available, I used two of them for my palettes that were similar in colors.

Designed fabric by Elina Keltto

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Tofutsies Yarn ( Toe-foot-sies ) is the best product that I have come across for knitting socks. I am not a professional sock knitter but from my experience with this yarn I think it is the greatest. 50% Superwash Wool, 25% Soysilk brand fiber, 22.5% cotton, 2.5% Chitin ( made from shrimp and crab shells ) Machine wash and dry.

The color I selected to knit my first pair of socks was called "Off on the Right Foot". For the next pair of socks I used a nice color called "Ten Foot Tall". Here are my color palettes below.


Ten Foot Tall

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

As Time Goes By

As time goes by


Valdani Inc. threads come in wonderful colors and the quality is exceptional. Knitting, crocheting, needle point, sewing and so on...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Strawberry Dress

good makins

I designed this beaded bag. From time to time I am going to be displaying some of my artwork as examples of inspirations for color palettes.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Too Cool Serendipity

I designed this necklace called "Serendipity". I love color so much I would use as many colors as I could in every design. I came close to doing that with this necklace.